Series #1 - Detox, Clean Eating, Mindfulness, Fasting...
Series #2 - How do you implement a detox and what alternatives are there?
We wish you a happy day! Today we are talking about a topic that Nina & I (Nadia) are passionate about: Clean eating. I first heard about this concept from my mentor Martina Zand and I have to say that this conscious eating and this diet help me and my body to stay healthy, eat a balanced diet and, above all, maintain my weight . Everyone who knows me knows that I love to eat and don't want to miss out on good food. Clean eating is an excellent precursor to fasting. I have now been able to change my diet according to this concept and use this tool specifically as needed.
At the With clean eating , as already mentioned in the introduction , you avoid certain foods and try to eat whole foods, fresh foods and unprocessed food . In other words, you try to eat as naturally as possible. Now we'll go into the matter in more detail.
In a 100% clean eating diet, you avoid the following foods:
| In order to still get all the nutrients, eat these foods in addition to vegetables and fruit:

Yes, you can also call it vegetarian or even vegan. But that depends on the level of implementation. I have often heard my clients ask me in my consultations: "And what should I eat then?" This abstinence does not sound attractive to many people at all, and as a good and enjoyable eater I can understand that very well, but that is where the recipes, spices, herbs and seeds come into play. We provide our clients with recipes and meal plans in a nutritional consultation . I can also advise you to start small . Choose certain foods that you want to do without and not everything at once . By giving up individual ingredients you can also better see how your body reacts when you leave something out or replace it. In addition, the success rate is higher and you learn better how to replace things. Many nutritionists use the term 20:80 = change 20% and the rest stays the same for now.
You can still eat ;-).
You are consuming an incredible amount of good nutrients and are most likely eating more fruit/vegetables than normal.
You eat better quality food.
Your metabolism speeds up and requires less energy by avoiding meat.
You will feel fresher and more alert and should experience fewer ups and downs during the day.
Your blood sugar level will remain more constant by avoiding sugar and coffee and by eating whole foods.
You consume fewer calories and lose some weight during this time.
All beginnings are difficult. Just choose one food and you will achieve sustainability.
The change takes time and leisure; it is not a diet.
It takes time to cook fresh food, but we offer you quick recipes. Also browse through our blog.
The feeling of hunger or the feeling that something is missing comes very quickly. This is where patience is key; your stomach and brain also have to adjust. You can put together recipes skillfully so that you feel full and satisfied after a meal.
You don't know all the foods that help you eat according to the concept. We can help you, just write to us or leave your question in the comments.
As with any good project, clean eating needs to be planned. Time frame, start, rhythm, shopping, which recipes and how intensively do you want to start? You can achieve great results and reflection in 2 weeks and these 2 weeks are ideal before a fasting/juice diet in spring and autumn. If that isn't enough for you and you like the concept, then try to incorporate clean eating days more often. We (as a family) try to live according to this concept from Monday to Friday and eat whatever is available at the weekend and on vacation. Of course my children are allowed to snack and as I said we sometimes pay more and sometimes less attention to the "rules". However, we (including my 2 daughters) have an increasing desire to eat "clean" because we notice that it is simply good for us.
Tip: Routine plays a big role with certain foods: coffee in the morning, a glass of wine as a reward at the end of the day/week or bread with cheese for breakfast/dinner. Try to think of good alternatives. For coffee, treat yourself to a good green tea from the tea shop or a chai latte with frothed milk. For cocktails or wine, prepare a smoothie or make yourself a non-alcoholic cocktail. For bread: look for alternatives such as porridge, bowls or bake your own bread to make sure it is wholemeal. So get creative and try to outsmart your mind and your habits.
Here we link a few recipes that you can incorporate into your clean eating routine. We will be adding more clean eating recipes in the next few weeks, so stay tuned.
breakfast ideas
lunch or dinner
dessert ideas
Please leave us your questions and requests and we will try to publish them in our next posts.
Our next post #4 MIndfulness will be published on April 29, 2022.
Would you like to work on your diet or find out which adjustments can be made to your lifestyle to feel better? Then contact , find out more here and secure your spring offer until April 24, 2022 :-)