My Online Courses & Events
Here you will find a selection of regular online courses and events that I update monthly. Together with a motivated group of like-minded people, we enjoy the benefits of online fitness and meet regularly once or twice a week.

Total Body Fit
€10 / Payable with plan

Online Pilates Mat
€10 / Payable with plan

Schnupper Kombi Ticket
Teste 2 Live-Online-Kurse und finde deinen Favoriten!
Valid for 2 weeks
2 Seassions
Total Body Fit & Online Pilates Mat
Attraktiver Schnupperpreis

5er Karte Kurse
Flexibel trainieren mit 5 Sessions deiner Wahl – ideal für die Mittelstufe!
Valid for 3 months
5 Sessions
Total Body Fit & Online Pilates Mat

Live Online Kursspecial 11 für 10 +Bonus
Langfristig fit bleiben mit 11 Kursen zum Preis von 10 – inklusive Bonus!
Valid for 4 months
11 Seassions
Total Body Fit & Oninle Pilates Mat
Langfristiges Sport Paket
Choose your pricing plan
Find one that works for you
Regular courses
Mondays, 7:30 pm – Total Body Fit
Strength endurance and stamina for the whole body – an intense workout that strengthens you and increases your energy.Wednesdays, 7:30 pm – Pilates
Mobility and strengthening of the deep muscles – for more balance, flexibility and a healthy posture.Course fee: 10 € per course (excluding special courses).

Attention corporate customers!
How about an in-house personal trainer or healthy snack workshops as a team event or as part of your health days?
Increase health, agility and team spirit with my nutrition workshops and/or lectures for your employees! We can cook, enjoy and learn together in a very flexible way.
New in the program: Pfilates – Pilates on horseback
Discover the unique combination of Pilates and the dynamics of riding!
Pfilates is a completely new method to improve your posture, balance and inner strength – through the connection with the horse.
What awaits you?
1 hour of Pfilates (every 2 weeks)
Targeted exercises both on the ground and on the horse to strengthen your muscles, improve flexibility and optimize your riding skills.
8-hour package: €238.00 incl. VAT
Interested in the next course series in 2025?
Feel free to write to me to find out the next start date and to secure your place!