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Live Online Group Fitness: Teilnehmer trainieren gemeinsam mit Gewichten in einer intensiven und energiegeladenen Online-Session.

Live Online Group Fitness

"Train together from anywhere – live, flexible and full of energy!"

Nadia Benz in an orange sports bra and black leggings performs a side plank exercise outdoors to strengthen balance and core muscles.

My Online Courses & Events

Here you will find a selection of regular online courses and events that I update monthly. Together with a motivated group of like-minded people, we enjoy the benefits of online fitness and meet regularly once or twice a week.

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Available online

Total Body Fit

€10 / Payable with plan

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Available online

Online Pilates Mat

€10 / Payable with plan

Schnupper Kombi Ticket



Teste 2 Live-Online-Kurse und finde deinen Favoriten!

Valid for 2 weeks

2 Seassions

Total Body Fit & Online Pilates Mat

Attraktiver Schnupperpreis

5er Karte Kurse



Flexibel trainieren mit 5 Sessions deiner Wahl – ideal für die Mittelstufe!

Valid for 3 months

5 Sessions

Total Body Fit & Online Pilates Mat


Live Online Kursspecial 11 für 10 +Bonus



Langfristig fit bleiben mit 11 Kursen zum Preis von 10 – inklusive Bonus!

Valid for 4 months

11 Seassions

Total Body Fit & Oninle Pilates Mat

Langfristiges Sport Paket


Choose your pricing plan

Find one that works for you

Regular courses

  • Mondays, 7:30 pm – Total Body Fit
    Strength endurance and stamina for the whole body – an intense workout that strengthens you and increases your energy.

  • Wednesdays, 7:30 pm – Pilates
    Mobility and strengthening of the deep muscles – for more balance, flexibility and a healthy posture.

  • Course fee: 10 € per course (excluding special courses).

Corporate fitness workshop: Personal trainer leads a team through exercises, accompanied by nutrition workshops, healthy cooking and tips for wellbeing in the workplace

Attention corporate customers!

How about an in-house personal trainer or healthy snack workshops as a team event or as part of your health days?
Increase health, agility and team spirit with my nutrition workshops and/or lectures for your employees! We can cook, enjoy and learn together in a very flexible way.

New in the program: Pfilates – Pilates on horseback

Discover the unique combination of Pilates and the dynamics of riding!
Pfilates is a completely new method to improve your posture, balance and inner strength – through the connection with the horse.

What awaits you?

  • 1 hour of Pfilates (every 2 weeks)
    Targeted exercises both on the ground and on the horse to strengthen your muscles, improve flexibility and optimize your riding skills.

8-hour package: €238.00 incl. VAT

Interested in the next course series in 2025?
Feel free to write to me to find out the next start date and to secure your place!

Foal lies relaxed on a green meadow under a blue sky and enjoys nature.
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