Series #1 – Detox, Clean Eating, Mindfulness, Fasting...
Series #2 – How to Implement a Detox and What Alternatives Are There?
Series #3 – Clean Eating – Our Favorite Concept
Series #4 – Mindfulness
Series #5 – Beauty from the Inside or Outside

After a detour into beauty last week, which also touched on nutrition, we’re returning to the topic of nutrition—specifically fasting. It’s a controversial subject, but I’ll try to explain the pros and cons as neutrally as possible. However, I must emphasize that I do not recommend this form of dieting for anyone under 18 without medical prescription and supervision.
I truly recommend fasting or detoxing only as a short-term treatment, a "spring cleaning" for the body, a reset, or refocus before a dietary change. It should not be used as a permanent method for weight loss. Sometimes, fasting can also be beneficial in healing certain illnesses.
What Types of Fasting Are There?
Here are the most common types. Of course, there are variations, and as mentioned in the first blog, follow what feels right for you and what works for your body. The following methods should not be done for more than 7 days. Afterward, you should gently ease back into regular food intake, and the Clean Eating concept could be helpful.
Healing Fasting
This method involves consuming only liquids. On a fasting day, you can have broth, water, and diluted juices. I know some people also incorporate smoothies. Many may have heard of the Buchinger method. His healing fasting technique is described on the website of the German Society for Nutrition, and the process is explained in detail, especially if recommended by a doctor. If a healthy person practices healing fasting, I recommend a maximum of 7 days.
Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting has been widely discussed for several years. I know many people who still practice it or have tried it. What I often hear is that there’s initial weight loss, but then the weight plateaus. The dissatisfaction arises because the weight loss was minimal for some, and the expected effect wasn’t achieved. Since with intermittent fasting, you can eat whatever you want, and there’s no Clean Eating concept involved, I can imagine that the diet should also be adjusted for better results. I want to emphasize again that any type of fasting should be considered a short-term cleanse (not like intermittent fasting, which suggests it can be done long-term). It’s better to repeat it, for example, 2x per year, instead of making it a permanent lifestyle. With intermittent fasting, you can either:
Eat for 8 hours a day and fast for 16 hours
Fast one day per week and eat normally the rest of the time
Fast for 3 days and eat normally for 4 days
Alternate between fasting one day and eating the next
Juice Cleanse Fasting
With a juice cleanse, you drink cold-pressed fruit and vegetable juices. If you have a juicer, you can make them yourself. The greener, the better. Leafy greens, broccoli, and other vitamin- and mineral-rich vegetables are ideal. This method keeps all the vital nutrients intact. If you want to save time, there are several providers who will send your juice cleanse directly to your home. You can choose from 3, 5, or 7-day cleanses. These usually consist of 6 juices per day. Your calorie intake is significantly reduced, so fatigue, cold sensitivity, and hunger may occur during these days.
Alkaline Fasting
This method is perfect if you often suffer from acid reflux or feel generally too "acidic." In this approach, you follow an alkaline diet and avoid alcohol, sugar, white bread, fried foods, meat, and coffee. A great cookbook recommendation for this is [insert cookbook name].
It’s also a gentle method since you still consume food. Alkaline foods include fruits, vegetables, nuts, spinach, lemon, and apple cider vinegar.
You can ideally prepare for a fasting period by following 2 weeks of Clean Eating. Complement your cleanse with moderate exercise, walks, reading, fewer appointments, sufficient sleep, herbal teas, and a relaxing bath or exfoliation under the shower.
What fasting will definitely do for you and your body:
It increases your awareness during this time and helps you stay focused.
It relieves your digestive system.
It stimulates active processes in your body.
It helps you focus on yourself.
If you want to learn more about nutrition or have a conversation about which type of diet suits you and your lifestyle, feel free to contact Nadia or Nina. In the nutrition counseling, you’ll discuss your eating habits, learn about the key components of a healthy diet, and create your personal 2-week meal plan with recipes.
With this post, the series on Detox, Clean Eating, Mindfulness, Fasting... concludes. We hope you enjoyed it!
The next series will be released on May 27, 2022, focusing on Sport, Movement, Fitness & Motivation.
Feel free to leave us your questions and suggestions, and we will try to address them in our upcoming posts.
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