Do you fancy a healthy Easter snack and not chocolate?
How about these energy balls? A tip: make double the amount...:-) they are a hit with young and old alike and also make a nice souvenir.

1.5 cups natural cashews
1 cup of coconut flakes
1/4 cup honey (preferably liquid)
juice of 1/2 lemon
Natural vanilla flavor
some coconut flakes for rolling
food coloring as needed
1. Put all the ingredients in a blender and mix until you get a sticky mass. Divide the mass into the different bowls for coloring and add a few drops of color to each bowl. Mix everything with your hands so that the color is evenly distributed.
2. Take teaspoon-sized portions and form small balls.
3. Roll the balls in coconut flakes as desired.
Have fun and enjoy snacking.
Happy Easter
Nina & Nadia
PS: Show us your balls. Post on Instagram and link Be_Fit_in_Life.