This tasty summer recipe is light and can shine on its own or be used as a side dish.

Ingredients for 2 people:
4 large tomatoes
100 g millet, quinoa or bulgur cooked in broth
1 garlic clove pressed
a few leaves of fresh parsley
a few leaves of fresh basil
some cheese (e.g. feta cheese or parmesan)
1. Preheat the oven to 180 °C and pre-cook the grain.
2. Remove the seeds from the tomatoes and put the contents into a bowl. Cut large pieces into smaller pieces.
3. Add the garlic, herbs and cheese if desired to the bowl.
4. The finished grain is now filled into the tomato mixture and mixed.
5. Fill the tomatoes with the mixture and bake for 15 - 20 minutes.
We hope you enjoy it!
Best regards
by Nina & Nadia